Albert Michler Distillery Worthy Park Jamaica Rum 2007 12yr 49%

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    8 évaluations
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    "On the nose iam getting Prunes, glue, mild spices, honey some citrus Iam tasting fruits, a little glue,Apricots, baking spices, some milk chocolate, vanilla. finish is quite long with floral honey notes, wood, cardboard some copper. I really like this rum. I deducted some points for the lacking abv. I got lucky on this bottle and bought it on sale."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Marcel.
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    "I'd say this one is a bit overpriced compared to what you get. The nose is fruity with oak and light smoke as well as toffee and some chocolate. The palate is complex, balanced and sweet with fruit, nuts and chocolate as well as light vanilla. The finish is medium long and fruity with chocolate and nuts Leave the empty glass for a few hours and then whif it again for a clearer profile."

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    "Ein ganz guter Rum, aber für den Preis kann man sich lieber einen anderen Worthy Park kaufen, wer es fruchtig-süß mag. Wer aber auf einen eher würzigen WP wert legt kann hier zugreifen. Es ist kein außerordentlich guter Rum. Nach erneutem Verkosten und vergleiche zu anderen Single Cask von WP, doch recht gut."

    Profile picture of user

    "Very nice rum, I still have a 0.4 sample that I am saving for later but I am thinking of byuing the whole bottle. This is simply magnificent full-bodied and strong with some bitterness and bite initially and kind of spicy/peppery notes in the beginning. Very long finish. Raising a few points from original 85. Long oaky finish. One of the best Jamaican rums due to its fullbodied natural sweet taste."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user rum_sk

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    Détails sur ce rhum

    ID RumX
    Pot Still Rum
    Numéro du fût
    Fabriqué en
    Pot Still
    12 ans
    Nombre de bouteilles
    Volume de la bouteille
    Gamme de prix
    Type d'esprit
    Albert Michler Distillery • Worthy Park 2007   12yr   49% Jamaica Rum

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    À propos de la distillerie Worthy Park

    La distillerie Worthy Park est située à Jamaica. Les rhums de Worthy Park ont été examinés 4 371 fois avec une moyenne de 8.0/10.

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