Charles Hofer Clément Rare cask collection 2002 16yr 52,9%

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    8 évaluations
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    "01.11.2019 Den Dansk Rom & Whiskyfestival This was my first visit to this two day event, where everything is included in the ticket. Also the first event where I have seen so many extremely drunk people. This event usually just has what's considered mainstream products, but luckily my friend had the right contacts so for a premium we had our own little collection to go through. Today I get free a free ticket if I want to attend 😊 A great Agricole with very good balance. The palate is medium dry with a fruity touch. The finish is medium to long with a nice grassy note."

    Profile picture of user

    "Ein Release, dem man die lange Teifung bereits anmerkt. Klassische Eleganz des typischen Clement-Profils gepaart mit Fassnoten, röstiger Würzaromatik und angenehmer Aromatik getrockneter Früchte. Hohes Niveau."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Jakob
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    "Vraiment bon ! J'adore cette douceur tropicale qui émane du bois !"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Johannes
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    "Al naso è elegante e intenso, con legno nobile, frutti rossi (ciliegie), frutta secca, agrumi, floreale, un tocco di smalto e un po' di pelle giovane mista a liquirizia e vaniglia. Una delizia. Al palato è pungente con pepe, frutti secchi (albicocche), frutti rossi (ciliegia), agrumi, legno nobile, leggera pelle/tostatura, alcune spezie e sul finale persistente una nota dolce e lieve di torrone che arrotonda il tutto. Grazie a Roberto"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Émile Shevek

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    Détails sur ce rhum

    ID RumX
    Rhum Agricole AOC
    Numéro du fût
    Fabriqué en
    Sugar cane juice
    Column Still
    16 ans 8mo
    Nombre de bouteilles
    Volume de la bouteille
    Gamme de prix
    Type d'esprit
    Charles Hofer • Distillerie du Simon 2002 &nbsp; 16yr &nbsp; 52,9% Clément Rare cask collection

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    À propos de la distillerie Distillerie du Simon

    La distillerie Distillerie du Simon est située à Martinique. Les rhums de Distillerie du Simon ont été examinés 4 066 fois avec une moyenne de 8.0/10.

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