Convino A/S Ron Conquistador 15yr 41%

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    Quel est le goût de ce rhum ?

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    Fruité Sucre brûlé Zeste d'orange Cola


    Fruité Sucre brûlé Doux Fût


    Doux Vanillé Chêne

    Quelle est la cote de ce rhum ?

    11 évaluations

    Top 27%


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    "This is a very sweet rum. Almost like liquid sugar and I can only have one at a time. I have found that it goes very well with vanilla ice cream either as a sipper or poured over the ice cream. The nose is sweet and oaky with fruits and vanilla. The palate is very sweet and woody/toasted and heavy on vanilla. A bit of chocolate and cinnamon in the background. The finish is medium and sweet with oak and vanilla."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰

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    Détails sur ce rhum

    ID RumX
    Column Still Rum
    Fabriqué en
    Column Still
    15 ans
    Type d'esprit
    Convino A/S 15yr   41% Ron Conquistador

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