Abelha Organic Cachaça 39%
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Timo Groeger
15 mars 2024
"Trifft nicht wirklich meinen Geschmack dieser Cachaca. Hat eine leichte fruchtige Note, ansonsten schmeckt er meiner Meinung nach einfach nur alkoholisch. Diesen alkoholischen Geschmack hat man auch relativ lange im Mund."
26 janv. 2024
"The rating refers exclusively to the use as in the Caipi ! Absolutely great, fruity, olive, fresh...best Caipi so far. It's also great neat, but I could only give it 7+, as I find it has less edge and complexity compared to Clairin or Agricole."
Kieron Wood
10 mai 2023
"I'm not useallly cahaca fan but this stuff is delicious, very fruity flavours of a white style rum.i was bought it for a present and will probably restock it into my rum cupboard as it's something different."