Berry Bros & Rudd Classic Range Barbados Rum 40,5%

Auction en direct

    Quel est le goût de ce rhum ?

    Saveurs les plus fréquemment mentionnées


    Bois jeunes Alcoolique Fruits tropicaux Poivre noir


    Fruits secs Sucre brûlé Mielleux Épicé


    Poivre noir Caramel

    Quelle est la cote de ce rhum ?

    6 évaluations
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    "The nose is very soft. There's a little wood with subtle black pepper amd brown sugar notes. Something similar to almond lingers in the background. The palate is more vibrant than I expected. No real wood notes and it's on the sweeter side but not artificial. There's lots of honey and ginger. There's something of a fruity breakfast pastry about it. The finish is very short. And not much to comment on. A bit of a let down, some pepper and caramel stays for a time. Overall this is a nice rum. A typical, good, Barbados rum. I'd be happy to have it again."

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    "This is clearly Foursquare but quite a weak one in years and abv ... The usual banana Caribbean notes from the distillery mixed with oak ... Would be immense if it dialled the abv up a bit.. shame could have been special"

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    Détails sur ce rhum

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    Berry Bros & Rudd 40,5% Classic Range Barbados Rum

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