Berry Bros & Rudd Venezuela Rum for Haromex Dev. 12yr 60,6%

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    Vanillé Zeste d'orange Caramel Pâtisseries


    Fruits secs Noix de coco Vanillé Intense


    Fruits secs Vanillé Épicé Caramel

    Quelle est la cote de ce rhum ?

    7 évaluations
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    "A surprise. Beautiful, complex, dense flavor profile for a Spaniard. Dried fruit, vanilla, naturally rather pleasing. The flaw is the unpleasant aftertaste of musty, wet autumn leaves, which comes through more or less. Some (little) sugar may also be present. The alcohol is well integrated. A great, relaxed sipper with a cigar. Top quality Ron. I like to let the cumbias rumble loudly in the background!"

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    "Solid Venezuelan."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user crazyforgoodbooze
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    "Un bel espagnol qui a du punch"

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    Détails sur ce rhum

    ID RumX
    Column Still Rum
    Numéro du fût
    Fabriqué en
    Column Still
    12 ans
    Volume de la bouteille
    Type d'esprit
    Berry Bros & Rudd 12yr   60,6% Venezuela Rum for Haromex Dev.

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