Chairman’s Reserve White Label 3yr 43%

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    Citron vert Agrumes Frais Beurre


    Pomme verte Crémeux Floral Agrumes


    Agrumes Floral Poivre noir Fruits verts

    Quelle est la cote de ce rhum ?

    12 évaluations
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    "#4144 Un rhum pas trop mal, mais je l'utiliserais probablement pour un mixer. J'aurais aimé un taux d'alcoolémie plus élevé. Frais et fruité avec une belle touche florale. Le verre vide a une légère note de torréfaction et un peu de raisin sec. Le rapport qualité/prix est très bon à mon avis."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰
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    "Purchased as a mixer, it convinced Mr Bali Hai today in the pure tasting, with citrus fruit (lime) on the nose and green apple dominating the palate. It also has hints of yoghurt and a lively freshness that makes it a great mixer. Actually belongs in every well-stocked cocktail bar. And St. Lucia rocks! 🎉"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Christian Rudt
    Profile picture of user

    "The nose is quite light. Lime mainly but there's a hint of other citrus and a creamy, buttery note. Rather soft and friendly. The palate has a real creaminess to it with a nice fresh apple note. There's something in the background that's interesting. It reminds me of acrylic paint or bicycle inner tube. The finish keeps the apple but it warps to a more generic citrus and there's a small amount of black pepper. It's interesting. I imagine it'd make a great daiquiri with that interesting paint note. But as a neat sipper it's not the best white rum out there."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Decky Hicks Doughty
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    "absolutely brilliant and unique in the daiquiri. very nice note of creamy yogurt with Kumquatmarmelade, raisins and green granny Smith apple. pure not too intense but in the drink really ne bank for the money! I would not have expected."

    Avis d'experts

    Détails sur ce rhum

    ID RumX
    Pot & Column Still Rum
    Fabriqué en
    Pot and Column Still
    3 ans
    Gamme de prix
    Type d'esprit
    Saint Lucia Distillers 3yr &nbsp; 43% Chairman’s Reserve White Label

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    À propos de la distillerie Saint Lucia Distillers

    La distillerie Saint Lucia Distillers est située à Saint Lucia. Les rhums de Saint Lucia Distillers ont été examinés 3 569 fois avec une moyenne de 8.2/10.

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