Berry Bros & Rudd Diamond El Dorado Single Barrel 2013 9yr 60%

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    Solvants Agrumes Fût Café


    Fruits secs Doux Boisé Noix

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    8 évaluations
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    "Interesting nose! The wooden pot stills are clearly noticeable, once the rum had some time to breath and steps beyond the strong initial solvent notes. Yet there is more to it. Additional fruits (citrus-y) and a hint of esters (DHE mind you, not Jamaican funk). Very interesting twist with quite some complexity. Similar picture on the palate. The blend provides an interesting twist on know Demerara profils from the wooden pots. Lots of fruits and an intense dark chocolate note are present. Yet, similarly to the other BB&R single barrel, this is very sweet and a factor to consider negatively in my book. Again very smooth and easy to drink despite its high ABV. This is interesting stuff out of DDL and far more engaging and exiting compared to some previous releases blends and cask finishes. Very happy to see stuff like this."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user DomM
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    "Besten Dank an Tobias, der die Flaschen aus England mit gebracht hat und sie in unserer Franconian Tasting Gang gleich geteilt hat. Alles in allem eine sehr solide Abfüllung, die alle Erwartungen erfüllt, aber leider trotzdem nicht nach oben heraus sticht. Ein wenig schwächer als die andere Abfüllung."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user zabo
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    "Fruity, tropically matured Demerara, which also contains parts of the two Wooden Pots (PM and Versailles) and DHE in addition to the MPRS. Fruit and the pots are in the foreground. Personally, however, I like the new LBI/DHE from El Dorado best of all the DHE rums released to date."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Serge
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    "Still a little young and wild. Alcohol present, the Demerara sweetness unfortunately does not quite keep the profile in check. Not a bad rum, but clearly below average for Demerara single casks."

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    Détails sur ce rhum

    El Dorado
    ID RumX
    En bouteille
    Fabriqué en
    9 ans
    Volume de la bouteille
    Type d'esprit
    Berry Bros & Rudd • Diamond 2013   9yr   60% El Dorado Single Barrel

    Ce que les gens disent

    À propos de la distillerie Diamond

    La distillerie Diamond est située à Guyana. Les rhums de Diamond ont été examinés 3 686 fois avec une moyenne de 8.3/10.

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