Brave New Spirits Travellers Da Gama Rum 2007 15yr 56,1%

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    Quel est le goût de ce rhum ?

    Saveurs les plus fréquemment mentionnées


    Fût Noix de coco Bois jeunes Vanillé


    Noix de coco Vanillé Doux Crémeux


    Fût Chocolat Fruits secs Floral

    Quelle est la cote de ce rhum ?

    6 évaluations
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    "Another Belize and another new bottler. Obviously from the (Scottish) whisky world. Quite typical for Belize on the nose, yet fairly balanced and unobtrusively round. On the palate it seems slightly diluted, but has a nice creamy texture. For me, an easy sipper from Belize. Recommended for newcomers and newcomers to the beautiful wide world of rum, sometimes with a strong cask strength."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Christian Rudt
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    "The nose is typical Belize, but a little more on the woody/spicy side. Reminiscent of the 2008 SoR, but less intense. The palate has everything the nose promised, but overall it is a little too restrained/watery for me. Unfortunately, the finish is also quite short."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Basti
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    "Classic Belize profile. Very bourbon cask forwards with vanilla and sweetness on the palate. Quite some coconut on the nose and palate as well. More approachable than some other full proof Travellers which I attribute to some dilution. Not bad but for me also not really exciting."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user DomM
    Profile picture of user

    "Pour résumer, Belize et moi ne serons plus amis dans cette vie, j'aurais dû en tirer la leçon. J'ai redonné une chance à Belize avec DomM, mais ça n'a rien donné."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user zabo

    Avis d'experts

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    Détails sur ce rhum

    ID RumX
    En bouteille
    Fabriqué en
    15 ans
    Nombre de bouteilles
    Volume de la bouteille
    Type d'esprit
    Brave New Spirits • Travellers 2007   15yr   56,1% Da Gama Rum

    Ce que les gens disent

    À propos de la distillerie Travellers

    La distillerie Travellers est située à Belize. Les rhums de Travellers ont été examinés 2 323 fois avec une moyenne de 8.0/10.

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