Charanda de Uruapan Sol Tarasco Añejo Charanda (infused with mushrooms) 3yr 46,5%

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    Caramel Mielleux Champignons Umami


    Caramel Vanillé Champignons Musc


    Végétal Fût Café Alcoolique

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    6 évaluations
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    "Infused/spiced rum - that's not normally part of my target group. Nevertheless, I wanted to try this Mexican because I was somehow interested in this mushroom thing. The main thing on the nose is: mushroom! Sounds strange, but it is. Otherwise, it's earthy and herbal, with a slight umami note that reminds me of olives. On the palate, the planty, earthy taste with the umami note remains, but I no longer find the mushrooms here. However, there is a noticeable sweetness that lingers a little. At the same time, the tongue burns a little and fights against the sweetness - has sugar been added here? All in all, less spectacular than I had expected. Mediocre rum from Mexico which, despite its peculiarity, has no special unique selling points apart from this note on the nose."

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    "Fun, definitely different, but it also feels like they’re holding back here. The mushroom influcence is definitely present but well integrated—it contributes just enough but avoids being overpowering. The palate and especially the nose are a little on the sweeter/richer side, though that integrates rather well with the more savory, earth notes. Unfortunately, coming from other Charandas like paranubes and bespoke cane spirits like Haitian clairins, I found the base spirit here to be a bit lacking. It does have some of that hallmark briney, vegetal, cane juice character that I’ve come to expect, but it’s a lot more…muted than I had hoped. Its possible that the infusion (I should add, there are large bits still in the bottle) could have something to do with it. Regardless, the overall experience is still rather pleasant, approachable (perhaps too much so), while bringing something new to the table. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s worth actively seeking out, but it’s worth a try if given the chance."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Campbell
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    "Surprenant mais ça marche plutôt bien. On sent bien le côté sous bois, forêt du champignon.."

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    Détails sur ce rhum

    Sol Tarasco
    ID RumX
    Flavoured Rum
    Fabriqué en
    Sugar cane juice
    Pot Still
    3 ans 4mo
    Volume de la bouteille
    Type d'esprit
    Charanda de Uruapan 3yr   46,5% Sol Tarasco Añejo Charanda (infused with mushrooms)

    Ce que les gens disent

    À propos de la distillerie Charanda de Uruapan

    La distillerie Charanda de Uruapan est située à Mexico. Les rhums de Charanda de Uruapan ont été examinés 25 fois avec une moyenne de 7.6/10.

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