Cadenhead‘s Diamond (Port Mourant) MPM 2003 14yr 59,1%

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    Pimenté Groseilles Boisé Fleurs


    Boisé Intense Amer Mielleux


    Salé Amer Doux Boisé

    Quelle est la cote de ce rhum ?

    10 évaluations
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    "Superbe intensité avec des épices et du fruité (papaye et mandarine) au nez. S'y ajoutent des associations florales. En bouche, un peu de mordant avec des épices, du sel et une légère amertume due au bois. Avec quelques gouttes d'eau, il s'ouvre encore un peu et fait plaisir!Bon Port Mourant !"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Oliver
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    "31.01.2020 Relaxing at a small tasting at a local dining place that is no more. Notes. Medium dark in colour. Nose: Wood, honey, vegetal, plum, citrus, light nutts and floral notes. Palate: Wood, citrus, plum, grass, tannins, medium dry, earthy, light polish. Finish: Long ans warm, wood, grass, dried fruit, nutts."

    Profile picture of user

    "Nice spicy nose, the alcohol bites a little at first but also quickly brings out the fruity notes of tangerine and currant. Something woody and honeyed, reminds me briefly of mead. A fine floral scent is also present. On the palate, not as fine as the nose. Strong tannins and bitter wood notes. And immediately the typical artificial and dirty burnt rubber stomps in. Followed immediately by a light honeyed sweetness. And indeed something bacony meaty. In the finish, the bitter notes linger alongside a slightly salty sweetness. I like this, though it's slightly too bitter for me."

    Avis d'experts

    Détails sur ce rhum

    ID RumX
    Pot Still Rum
    Fabriqué en
    Double Wooden Pot Still
    14 ans
    Volume de la bouteille
    Gamme de prix
    Type d'esprit
    Cadenhead‘s • Diamond (Port Mourant) 2003 &nbsp; 14yr &nbsp; 59,1% MPM

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