Ron Colon Salvadoreño RumRye 50%

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    24 évaluations
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    "I'm not going to lie, I must have been tired on this tasting, but my memory of it isn't bad. With a lot of sweetness, a bit of honey perhaps, and nuts above all. We've seen worse!"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user TheJackDrop
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    "Very classic malaga-rum raisins in the nose. Sweet. Honey and vanilla. Some rye influence but not much. A bit like a mix between Panama and Worthy Park. In the taste the virgin oak comes through. Indeed rye/bourbon. Wood spices. Banana. Warm and sharp. Not a bad mix though. The balance is alright. I get that people find the rye part too dominant in taste, but the rum (especially in the nose) is still very present. This might be a convincing dram to lure the whisk(e)y drinkers into the rumworld."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Rowald Sweet Empire
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    "Ce rhum (coupé) ne m'a pas du tout convaincu ! Pour moi, il n'est plus du tout reconnaissable en tant que rhum."

    Profile picture of user

    "Explozia chuti.Super!"

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    Détails sur ce rhum

    Ron Colon
    ID RumX
    Column Still
    Volume de la bouteille
    Gamme de prix
    Type d'esprit
    50% Ron Colon Salvadoreño RumRye

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