Captain Morgan Gold Label 1970s 43%

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    Agrumes Vanillé Orange Citron vert


    Orange Pimenté Dilué Bois jeunes


    Agrumes Alcoolique Boisé

    Quelle est la cote de ce rhum ?

    8 évaluations
    Profile picture of user

    "Le calendrier de l'Avent comique jour 17 Je voulais le goûter depuis longtemps... Je n'aurais jamais trouvé "Jamaica" à l'aveugle 😇😇 c'est super de pouvoir l'essayer mais ce n'est pas quelque chose dont j'ai besoin d'une bouteille entière."

    Profile picture of user

    "The funny calendar day 17 Another original Captain. Very nice to have this in the glass again. Unfortunately reduced again. I would be very interested in something like this in cask strength."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user zabo
    Profile picture of user

    "08.11.2007 Had a 2 week trip around Vietnam to enjoy the local culture and food. We were staying very local so everything was extremely cheap. Needless to say that bars didn't have the expensive stuff because most locals couldn't afford it. This one was also a pass on sipping. It did really well in a Mojito and Pina Colada."

    Profile picture of user

    "Interesting, but not my rum."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Jarek

    Avis d'experts

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    Détails sur ce rhum

    Captain Morgan
    ID RumX
    Column Still Rum
    Column Still
    Volume de la bouteille
    Gamme de prix
    Type d'esprit
    43% Captain Morgan Gold Label 1970s

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